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Senior PowderPuff Game

Watching Sydni’s Senior PowderPuff Football Game was exciting with a 20-0 win over the juniors! However, leaving I said to G-Dad, its a bit sad that this is going to be our last PowerPuff Game probably for a long time. Wow, my youngest is a Senior. How quick they grow up! Then as i got into my car, I was sending some of the pictures to Jodi and Lex, I looked at this one picture and realized that one of many dreams had come true. Growing up and moving multiple times from school to school as a kid, I always wanted my kids to have long friendships built in school that would be there for each other for life. Think that has been accomplished by this group. As you all go your separate ways through college and beyond, remember this one moment in time with so much fun, unity and friendships. Be there for each other and you guys can accomplish anything. Love you Sydni and so proud of you!

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